Wednesday 16 May 2012

Exuviance Evolution of Hydroxyacid

Evolution of HYDROXYACID 果酸的进化

1st GENERATION 第一代果酸
1970s AHAs (Alpha Hydroxyacid) (果酸)
(glycolic Acid, lactic acid, malic acid, citric acid)

2nd GENERATION 第二代果酸
1990s PHAs (Poly-Hydroxyacid)(葡糖酸内脂)

3rd GENERATION 第三代果酸
2000s Lactobionic Acid 乳糖醛酸

Drs Van Scott and Dr Ruey Yu believe that over 50% of all skin problems are due to difficulties in forming and shedding cells of the uppermost skin layers, leading to accumulation of dead cells, clogged pores and dry skin. Together they have researched ways to influenced the formation of neostrata (new layers) of the skin, and the process of exuviation, a natural shedding of dull surface skin. their research leads to discovery of the Alpha Hydroxyacid (AHA), and the appearance of more youthful skin. While their AHA technology had gained much clinical reputation in the area of dermatology their continuous research and discovery lead them to their latest revolutionary breakthrough in skincare is the Poly Hydroxyacid (PHA), second generation AHA and Lactobionic Acid third generation AHA. Today, Drs. Van Scott and Yu, the founders of AHA technology hold more then 100 patents in AHA/PHA technology.

Dr Van Scott 和 Dr Ruey Yu 相信超过50%的皮肤问题是因为最上层的皮肤细胞新陈代谢不良而形成。进而造成累积死皮,毛孔阻塞和干性皮肤问题。所以,他们研究了各种方法使新层皮肤形成。Exuviance程序,一个让暗淡无光的肤表层自然脱落的程序。他们的研究引领他们发现了果酸(Alpha Hydroxyacid)和显示看起来更年青的皮肤。当他们的果酸科技获得了皮肤医学界的临床声望与认同后,他们仍然不停歇地研究 护肤的产品并且又有了重大的发现和突破。既,Poly Hydroxyacid (PHA),第二代果酸和乳糖醛酸(Lactobionic Acid)。如今,Dr Van Scott 和Dr Ruey Yu 一果酸(AHA)科枝的创立者,拥有超过100种果酸/PHA 科技的专利品。

Dr. Ruey J. Yu, OMD, PhD               Dr. Eugene J. Van Scott
Dermatopharmacologist                    Dermatologist


The AHAs。第一代果酸

Glycolic Acid found naturally in sugar cane, is the smallest molecule of the AHA family. Studies have shown that glycolic acid products used in a daily regimen reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and make skin look younger。

Mandelic Acid is an oil-controlling anti-aging AHA with reported antibacterial benefits. Exuviance products containing mandelic acid are formulated to help smooth the skin and reduce facial oiliness.

The PHAs。第二代果酸

Gluconolactone is an antioxidant PHA and cell nutrient that is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. PHAs such as gluconolactone, are composed of multiple water-attracting hydroxyl groups, providing enhanced moisturization. Gluconolactone formulations reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and smooth skin texture. PHA is 4 times more moisturizing then AHAs.

Glucoheptonolactone is slightly larger than gluconolactone with additional water-attracting hydroxyl groups and is used for moisturization, anti-aging, skin conditioning and antioxidant benefits.

Lactobionic Acid is a complex PHA and potent antioxidant suitable for all skin types, including rosacea and atopic skin. It is beneficial for dry skin, post-procedural skin conditioning and anti-aging. Exuviance formulations containing lactobionic acid reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and plump the skin layers. Lactobionic Acid is 8 times more moisturizing then PHA(gluconolactone).
乳糖醛酸第二代果酸的复合物,具有抗氧化剂,造合所有肤质使用,包括遗传性或过敏肌肤。它能滋润干性肌肤,皮肤治疗后的调节和抗老化功效。Exuviance 成份含有可减少细纹,皱纹和丰润肌肤层的功效。乳糖醛酸比葡糖酸内脂更加8倍的滋润及使皮肤变得更柔软。

The Antioxidant properties found in gluconolactone, glucoheptonolactone and Lactobionic Acid provide the dual functions of both repairing past damage, wound healing and preventing future damage to the skin.

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